Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
Planning and support for expeditions
Location: 27th HQ Chaddesden
Circulat walk/run of 50km from 27th HQ
Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
District governance and financial management
Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
Planning, advice and support
Location: 27th HQ Meadow Lane
Termly meeting for updates; reports and events
Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
Planning and support for expeditions
Location: Drum Hill
Skills for Residential events
Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
Planning and support for expeditions
Location: 27th HQ Meadow Lane
Termly meeting for updates, reports and events
Location: 147th HQ Boeeowash
Planning and support for expeditions
Location: Drum Hill Camp Site
Annual Camp with lots of activities
Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
District governance and financial manaqgement matters
Location: 147th HQ Borrowash
Planning and support for expeditions
Location: Details to follow
Annual County business and awards event